Tribally Controlled Schools to Receive Grants Worth Almost $12 Million

Released on = August 16, 2007, 2:16 pm

Press Release Author = Brooke Heath

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = American Indian tribally controlled schools receive
$11,982,128 to advance programs for students.

Press Release Body = Washington, DC, August 16, 2007-U.S. Secretary of Education
Margaret Spellings announced this week that nine tribally controlled colleges and
universities will receive grants worth nearly $12 million. Schools in Montana, New
Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin have been selected to receive
these grants in order to improve and expand their services to American Indian

According to Higher Education Washington, Inc.'s NewsLine, the following American
Indian tribally controlled schools will receive grants for fiscal year 2007:

Crow Agency, Little Big Horn College, $1,199,531
Lame Deer, Chief Dull Knife College, $450,000

Crownpoint, Navajo Technical College, $475,000
Santa Fe, Institute of American Indian Arts, $1,499,893

Belcourt, Turtle Mountain Community College, $2,125,000
Bismarck, United Tribes Technical College, $1,952,951
New Town, Fort Berthold Community College, $1,639,753

Kyle, Oglala Lakota College, $1,650,000

Keshena College of Menominee Nation, $990,000

The grant awards, totaling $11,982,128, will be given under Title III of the Higher
Education Act and will help the preceding colleges and universities develop
activities that will strengthen their abilities to assist students with Native
American heritage.

"Tribal colleges and universities provide thousands of students the education
foundation they need to be successful in the workforce and in life," said U.S.
Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. "They also perform a valuable service by
helping to preserve the languages and rich cultural traditions of American Indians."

"It's important that students from all ethnic backgrounds have the same
opportunities to pursue college degrees," said EdFed loan counselor Jodie Corzano.
"It's our goal at EdFed to assist all students in realizing this dream."

About EdFed:

As a leader in the student loan industry, EdFed is dedicated to helping students and
graduates realize all of their educational goals and meet their student loan and
consolidation needs.


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Pasadena, CA 91101


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